First class philosopher or Emmanuel, God with us? A great teacher or Mighty God? Many people from biblical times to now have wondered who Jesus really is. We’ll take a closer look at this question on today’s episode of Tennessee Valley Church.
💬 Message:
Travis Collins discusses the identity of Jesus. Plenty of people throughout history have questioned whether Jesus was just a wise teacher or the promised Messiah. Jesus declared himself to be the Son of God, and he performed all kinds of miracles to back up his words.
🍞🍷 Communion:
Ministers from First Baptist Church will lead us in celebrating Communion. Grab some bread and grape juice (or something similar) to participate in this special time at home.
🏠 Location:
Weiss Lake
Centre, AL
🎵 Music:
Count Your Many Blessings | Dennis Parker
Give Me Jesus | Dennis Parker
✅ Helpful links:
John 8:21-30
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