
Season 2

TV Church S02E09 | “Leaving a Legacy”

What will people remember about you when you’re gone? Learn more about leaving a legacy on this episode of Tennessee Valley Church. 💬 Message: Allan Greer, Minister to Experienced Adults at First Baptist Church Huntsville, gives us 3 keys to leaving a godly legacy and how our actions today determine

TV Church S02E08 | “We’re Free and We Can Do Better”

Have you ever tried to hide something you’ve done that you knew was wrong? It’s important for us to acknowledge and turn from our sins, but God doesn’t expect us to wallow in our shame. Find out more on this episode of Tennessee Valley Church. 💬 Message: Travis Collins teaches

TV Church S02E07 | “Sloth”

Today we’re discussing sloth, the final topic in our series on the 7 deadly sins. Why is sloth a problem, and how can we avoid it? Find out on this episode of Tennessee Valley Church. 💬 Message: Sloth is more than just laziness. It also includes apathy and indifference. On

TV Church S02E06 | “Anger”

Why is anger considered a deadly sin? Sometimes our anger motivates us to step up and make the world a better place, but other times it makes us lose control. Join us as we talk about anger in all its forms, and how to handle it on this episode of

TV Church S02E05 | “Gluttony”

Is it a sin to have an extra-tasty treat every now and then? Of course not! But when does having too much of anything become a problem? Find out on this episode of Tennessee Valley Church. 💬 Message:Travis Collins teaches on gluttony, the next topic in his series on the

TV Church S02E04 | “Envy”

That bad feeling you get when someone else has something good… Ever felt that? This week on TV Church, we’re continuing our series on the seven deadly sins with a discussion on envy. 💬 Message: Travis Collins teaches on envy and how to overcome it. When we understand how loved

TV Church S02E03 | “Lust”

This week on Tennessee Valley Church, we’ll be discussing the grown-up topic of lust. If you have little ones with you, you may want to watch when they’re not around. 💬 Message: Travis Collins teaches on lust, the next of the Seven Deadly Sins in our series. Sex is not

TV Church S02E02 | “Greed”

How can we overcome greed? Find out on this week’s episode of Tennessee Valley Church. 💬 Message: Travis Collins teaches on the second deadly sin, greed. It’s defined as an intense and selfish desire for something; usually wealth or power. We’ll learn why greed is a bad thing, and what

TV Church S02E01 | “Pride”

While pride is not always a bad thing, there is a kind of pride the Bible warns us against. What does that mean for us? Find out more on this episode of Tennessee Valley Church. 💬 Message: Travis Collins teaches on pride–the good kind and the bad kind. The good

TV Church S01E48 | “Hereafter”

Nothing disappears without a trace, including the human soul. Join us as we talk about the hereafter this week on Tennessee Valley Church. 💬 Message: Two things are clear, there is both a reckoning and a joy in the hereafter. We believe that life after this one will begin either

TV Church S01E47 | “Where’s My Boy?”

Have you ever lost something really important? How about something as important as a child? Learn more about the time Mary and Joseph lost Jesus on this episode of Tennessee Valley Church. 💬 Message:As Jesus’ family was returning from the Passover festival in Jerusalem, Mary and Joseph realized that Jesus

TV Church – Christmas Special

It’s always a little sad after Christmas, so this week on Tennessee Valley Church, we’re extending the celebration just a little bit longer. 💬 Message:Travis Collins shares a message about the mixture of sadness and joy that is so often a part of the human experience. From the Jews in

TV Church S01E46 | “It’s Not Easy Being Mary”

Do you feel called to do something, but fear keeps holding you back? Find out what an ordinary teenage girl and bungee jumping have to teach us about “jumping scared” on this episode of Tennessee Valley Church. 💬 Message: Travis Collins teaches about Mary, the mother of Jesus and the

TV Church S01E45 | “Incarnation”

What if God was one of us? Well, he was. Over 2,000 years ago, God decided it was no longer good enough to send only prophets to live among His people. Learn more about how God became a man on this episode of TV Church. 💬 Message: Travis Collins teaches

TV Church S01E44 | “Come and See”

When you love something, you want to tell everyone you know! But what about sharing your love for Jesus? Join us on this episode of Tennessee Valley Church as we discuss being missions-minded, not only in foreign places, but in your own neighborhood. 💬 Message: Scott Day, Minister of Missions

TV Church S01E43 | “A New Leash on Life”

Sometimes all it takes for someone to reach their full potential is a little encouragement. Join us on this episode of TV Church as we learn about second chances, for pets and for people. 💬 Message: Travis Collins teaches on Acts 15:36-40 and the disagreement between Paul and Barnabas. Barnabas

TV Church S01E42 | “Behold”

Have you ever found yourself questioning your faith? Or have you felt like God has forgotten you? Learn how struggles can lead to growth in this episode of Tennessee Valley Church. 💬 Message: John Lemons, Minister to Young Adults at FBC Huntsville, teaches on Jesus and John the Baptist from

TV Church S01E41 | “Demons, Angels, and Things That Go Bump in the Night”

Do angels and demons really exist? There’s no better time than Halloween to talk about these spiritual beings. Join us on this episode of Tennessee Valley Church to learn more! 💬 Message: Travis Collins teaches about angels, demons, and the spiritual world. You’ll hear stories from Huntsville and from the

TV Church S01E40 | “Slowliness”

🏠 Location: Green Mountain Nature Trail Madison, AL 👍 Find us on social media: ✨ Check out our website for upcoming events and information! 🔔 Don’t forget to SUBSCRIBE for the latest videos!

TV Church S01E39 | “God is Transforming”

Do you ever wonder how true transformation can happen in your life? Find out on this episode of Tennessee Valley Church. 💬 Message: Senior Pastor Travis Collins teaches on the genuine spiritual transformation that happens through God’s spirit at work in us. This makes us new from the inside out,

TV Church S01E38 | “God is Self-Sacrificing”

Have you ever given up something for someone you love? God’s love for us caused him to give his own Son to save us. Find out more about God’s self-sacrificing love on this episode of Tennessee Valley Church. 💬 Message: In order to really forgive someone, it costs us something.

TV Church S01E37 | “God is Holy”

God is different from anyone or anything known to humankind. He is holy. But what does God’s holiness mean for us? Find out on this episode of TV Church. 💬 Message: On this episode of Tennessee Valley Church, Travis Collins teaches that God is holy, which makes him both kind

TV Church S01E36 | “God is Love”

Do you know just how much God loves you? You can break God’s rules and break God’s heart, but you can’t break his will to love you. Learn more about God’s love on this episode of TV Church. 💬 Message: On this episode of Tennessee Valley Church, Travis Collins teaches

TV Church S01E35 | “God is Generous”

God grants us so many wonderful gifts, from the taste of a red, ripe strawberry to the colors of the leaves in the fall. But do we ever feel resentful when God blesses people we think are undeserving? Find out more about God’s generosity on this episode of Tennessee Valley

TV Church S01E34 | “God Is Trustworthy”

God is trustworthy. That doesn’t resolve all the mysteries or answer all the questions, but it gives us enough to build our lives around. 💬 Message: Travis Collins teaches that God can be trusted. With so many dark clouds hanging over us⎯the pandemic, Afghanistan, floods, and that horrific September 11

TV Church S01E33 | “God Is Good”

God is good. Sometimes, it gets really hard to remember that. There are lots of questions, like why did the God in the Old Testament seem to be mad all the time? Maybe, we’re just not getting the whole picture here. Travis Collins shares “God is Good” on this morning’s

TV Church S01E32 | “Blessed Are Those Who Lose It All”

You have an awesome idea that would serve others and glorify God. But your efforts might totally flop. Is it better to try and fail or play it safe? Find out on this episode of TV Church. 💬 Message: John Lemons, Minister to Young Adults at FBC Huntsville, teaches on

TV Church S01E31 | “The Parent of a Prodigal”

The prodigal son had come home, but we’re left to wonder how the father felt while his son was off living such a regretful life. Did the father blame himself? Did he plead with God to save his son? Find out more on today’s episode of TV Church. 💬 Message:

TV Church S01E30 | “The Elder Brother”

This week on Tennessee Valley Church, we’ll look at the parable of the prodigal son from the perspective of the elder brother. How does it make you feel when someone else gets the recognition you think you deserve? 💬 Message: Meanwhile, the elder brother… This part of the story has

TV Church S01E29 | “The Prodigal Son”

Have you found yourself living a life you know isn’t good for you? Have you found yourself stuck in a life completely opposite from what you dreamed? Have your actions pulled you away from the ones you love? No matter where you find yourself, and no matter what you’ve done,

Meet the Hosts

Travis Collins

Senior Pastor

Travis has been Senior Pastor of FBC, Huntsville since the spring of 2016. He served as a missionary in Nigeria and Venezuela. He and his wife, Keri, have three children and a growing number of grandchildren.

Micah Walley

Minister of Contemporary Worship

Micah joined the staff at FBC in April 2022. He has been leading worship for the last 20 years, but outside of that is always tinkering around on an instrument or writing a song. When he’s not playing music he loves video games and anything outdoors. He’s been married to his wife Sarah (a trauma nurse) since 2013 and they have one daughter, Emma Claire.

Lisa Greer

TV Church Producer

Lisa has been an FBC member for 25 years. She moved from the Shoals to Huntsville to work as a producer, reporter, and anchor at WAAY TV. She’s married to Bill and has triplet sons, Jonathan, Daniel, and Nick.

Kristin Prasad

Minister to Kids and Families

Kristin joined our staff in January 2019 and brings years of experience and expertise to our Children’s Ministry. Kristin and her husband Raj came to us from Richmond, VA. They have three adult children.

John Lemons

Minister to Young Adults

John came to FBC in September of 2016 to serve as Minister to Young Adults. Prior to Huntsville, John lived and served in Chattanooga for 11 years and Birmingham for 4 years. He and his wife, Emily, have been married since 2002 and they are the proud parents of 2 wonderful daughters. See more from John at

Aaron Jackson

Minister of Music and Worship

Aaron joined the staff in January of 2023.  He is a North Carolina native and served churches and universities in the Raleigh-Dur

Aaron joined the staff in January of 2023.  He is a North Carolina native and served churches and universities in the Raleigh-Durham region for 16 years before moving to Huntsville.  He holds degrees from Campbell University, Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary, and the D.M.A. degree from the University of North Carolina at Greensboro.  

He and his wife Laura were married in 2010 and have two children, Julia and Barnabas.

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